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HomeAnnual Calendar

Annual Calendar




1/2  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
1/3  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
1/3  Sporter Rifle League Downstairs 2:30-7PM
1/4  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
1/4  CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
1/5  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
1/9  CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
1/10  Sporter Rifle League Downstairs 2:30-7PM
1/11 CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
1/11 General Membership Meeting 7PM
1/16 CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
1/17 Sporter Rifle League Downstairs 2:30-7PM
1/18 CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
1/19 ENYRL Downstairs PM
1/23 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
1/24 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
1/24 Sporter Rifle League Downstairs 2:30-7PM
1/25 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
1/26 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
1/30 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
1/30 CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
1/30 Board of Directors Meeting 7PM
1/31 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
1/31 Sporter Rifle League Downstairs 2:30-7PM



2/1   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/1   CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
2/2   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/6   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/6   CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
2/7   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/7   Sporter Rifle League Downstairs 2:30-7PM
2/8   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/8   CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
2/8   General Membership Meeting 7PM
2/9   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/9   ENYRL Downstairs PM
2/13 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/13  CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
2/14  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/14  Sporter Rifle League 2:30-7PM
2/15  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/15  CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
2/16  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/20  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/21  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/21  Sporter Rifle League 2:30-7PM
2/22  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/23  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/27  CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
2/27   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/27  Board of Directors Meeting 7PM
2/28   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/28  Sporter Rifle League Downstairs 2:30-7PM
2/29   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
2/29  CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM


3/1   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
3/1   ENYRL Downstairs PM 
3/5   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
3/5   CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
3/6   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
3/7   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
3/7   CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
3/8   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
3/11 DOCCS Backrange - 8-1:30
3/12  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
3/12  CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
3/13  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
3/14  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
3/14  General Membership Meeting 7PM
3/15  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
3/19  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
3/19  CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
3/20  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
3/21  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
3/22  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
3/22  ENYRL Downstairs PM
3/26  CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM  
3/26  Board of Directors Meeting 7PM


4/2   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/3   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/4   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/5   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/6   IPSC Match Backrange 10:00AM (set up 8:30AM)

4/7   ICORE Match Backrange 10AM
4/8   Forbes 1000 Yard Practice CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED 8AM-12PM
4/9   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/9   CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
4/10 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/11 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/11 CBA Downstairs 3-5:30PM
4/11  General Membership Meeting 7PM
4/12  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/13  Steel Challenge Backrange 10 AM (setup 8AM)

4/13  Forbes 300 Yd Match TRAP AND SKEET CLOSE AT 1PM   
4/15  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/16  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/17  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/18  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/19  DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/20  High Power League Backrange 8AM

4/20  Forbes League TRAP AND SKEET CLOSE AT 1PM
4/21 High Power League Backrange 8AM
4/22 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/23 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/24 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/25 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
4/26 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange

4/28 Small Bore Rifle League Backrange 8AM
4/29 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 8AM -12:30PM
4/30 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange (PAROLE)

4/30 Board of Directors Meeting 7 PM



5/1   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange (PAROLE)
5/2   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange (PAROLE)
5/3   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange (PAROLE)
5/4   IPSC Match Backrange 10:00 AM (setup 8:30AM)
5/4   Forbes 300 Yd Match TRAP AND SKEET CLOSE AT 1PM

5/5   Blackpowder League Backrange 8AM
5/5   ICORE Backrange 1PM
5/7   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
5/8   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
5/9   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
5/9  General Membership Meeting 7PM
5/10 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
5/11 High Power League Backrange 8AM
5/11 Forbes League TRAP AND SKEET CLOSE AT 1PM
5/12 High Power League Backrange 8AM

5/13 Forbes 1000 yard practice CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED 8AM-12PM

5/18 Forbes 1000 Yard Match CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED

5/19 Forbes 1000 Yard Match CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED

5/25 Steel Challenge Backrange 10AM (setup 8AM)

5/26 Small Bore Rifle League Backrange 8AM
5/28 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
5/28 Board of Directors Meeting 7PM
5/29 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
5/30 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
5/31 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange


6/1 IPSC Match Backrange 10:00 AM (setup 8:30AM)

6/2 Blackpowder League Backrange 8AM

6/2 ICORE Backrange 1PM
6/3 Forbes 1000 yard practice CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED 8AM-12PM
6/4 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
6/5 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
6/6 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
6/7 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange

6/8 Forbes Palma 1000 Yard match CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED

6/9 Forbes Palma 1000 Yard match CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED
6/11 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
6/12 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
6/13 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange

6/13 General Membership Meeting 7PM
6/14 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange

6/15 High Power League Backrange 8AM
6/15 Forbes League TRAP AND SKEET CLOSE AT 1PM 

6/16 High Power League Backrange 8AM
6/18 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
6/19 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
6/20 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
6/21 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
6/22  Steel Challenge Backrange 10AM (setup 8AM) 
6/23 Small Bore Rifle League Backrange 8AM
6/25 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
6/25 Board of Directors Meeting 7PM   
6/26 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
6/27 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
6/28 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange                     


7/6 IPSC Match Backrange 10:00AM (set up 8:30AM)

7/7 Blackpowder League Backrange 8AM

7/7 ICORE Backrange 1PM
7/11 NO General Membership Meeting 
7/13 High Power League Backrange 8AM
7/13 Guy Gamello Match TRAP AND SKEET CLOSE AT 1PM
7/14 High Power League Backrange 8AM
7/14 Guy Gamello Match TRAP AND SKEET CLOSE AT 1PM
7/15 Forbes 1000 Yard practice CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED 8AM-12PM

7/20 Forbes 1000 Yard Match – CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED

7/21 Forbes 1000 Yard Match – CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED

7/27 Steel Challenge Backrange 10AM (setup 8AM) 

7/28 Small Bore Rifle League Backrange 8AM

7/30 Board of Directors Meeting 7PM



8/2  Empire State Championship - ALL RANGES CLOSED

8/3   Empire State Championship - ALL RANGES CLOSED
8/4   Empire State Championship - ALL RANGES CLOSED
8/6   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
8/7   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
8/8   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
8/9   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 

8/8   NO General Membership Meeting  

8/9   DOCCS Backrange
8/10 High Power League Backrange 8AM

8/11 High Power League Backrange 8AM
8/13 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
8/14 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
8/15 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
8/16 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
8/18 Small Bore Rifle League Backrange 8AM
8/19 Forbes 1000 yard practice CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED 8AM-12PM
8/20 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
8/21 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
8/22 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
8/23 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 

8/24  High Power League Backrange 8AM

8/24 Forbes League TRAP AND SKEET CLOSE AT 1PM

8/25 High Power League Backrange 8AM
8/26 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
8/27 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 

8/27 Board of Directors Meeting 7PM
8/28 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
8/29 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
8/30 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
8/31 Steel Challenge Backrange 10AM (setup 8AM) 



9/3   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
9/4   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
9/4   Clubhouse Closed - 5PM-10PM
9/5   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
9/6   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange 
9/7   IPSC Match Backrange 10:00AM (set up 8:30AM)
9/7   Forbes 300 Yard Match TRAP AND SKEET CLOSE AT 1PM

9/8   Blackpowder League Backrange 8AM

9/8   ICORE Backrange 1PM
9/9   Forbes 1000 yard practice CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED 8AM-12PM
9/10 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
9/11 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
9/12 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
9/12 General Membership Meeting 7PM
9/13 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange

9/14 Forbes 1000 Yard Match – CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED

9/15 Forbes 1000 Yard Match - CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED
9/17 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
9/18 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange

9/19 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange (PAROLE)
9/20 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange (PAROLE)
9/21 High Power League Backrange 8AM

9/21 Forbes League TRAP AND SKEET CLOSE AT 1PM

9/22 High Power League Backrange 8AM
9/23 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange (PAROLE)
9/24 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange (PAROLE)

9/24 Board of Directors Meeting 7PM
9/27 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange (PAROLE)
9/28 Steel Challenge Backrange 10AM (setup 8AM)

9/29 Small Bore Rifle League Backrange 8AM


10/1   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
10/2   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
10/3   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
10/4   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
10/5   IPSC Match Backrange 10:00AM (set up 8:30AM)

10/5  Forbes 300 Yard Match TRAP AND SKEET CLOSE AT 1PM

10/6   Blackpowder League Backrange 8AM

10/6   ICORE Backrange 1PM

10/7   Forbes 1000 yard practice CLUB AND ALL RANGES CLOSED 8AM-12PM

10/9   DOCCS Backrange 9-11AM
10/10 DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
10/10 General Membership Meeting 7PM

10/12 Forbes League TRAP AND SKEET CLOSE AT 1PM

10/15 DOCCS (Parole) Clubhouse and Backrange - AM only
10/17 DOCCS (Parole) Clubhouse and Backrange - AM only
10/19 High Power League Backrange 8AM

10/20 High Power League Backrange 8AM

10/26 Steel Challenge Backrange 10AM (setup 8AM)

10/29 Board of Director's Meeting 7PM 

11/2   IPSC Match Backrange 10:00AM (set up 8:30AM)
11/3   ICORE Backrange 10AM
11/5   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
11/6   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
11/7   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
11/8   DOCCS Clubhouse and Backrange
11/14  General Membership Meeting 7PM 
11/26  Board of Directors Meeting 7PM

12/12 General Membership Meeting 7PM (Annual Elections)
12/20 ENYRL downstairs PM
12/31  NO Board of Director's Meeting 



Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Range Guest Reminder
Please remember each member may bring only two guests at a time. Both you and your guests must sign the log books and have eye and ear protection on active ranges.

You are responsible for the behavior and safety of your guests. To safely supervise your guests and as a courtesy to other members, especially on busy range days, please share a bench with your guests so that WFGPA members may also use the range.

It is especially important to make sure your guests understand range safety rules and safe firearms handling in general.

Rifle & Pistol Range Safety
Cold Range (It's safe to go down range): If there is anyone down range, the range is cold and no firearms are to be handled. It is acceptable to load detached magazine when the range is cold. Please communicate and cooperate when a trip down range is required making sure all users of the range are aware of range status. Never proceed down range without confirming with all participants that the range is cold. Bolts and actions should be open. If you're action doesn't lock open please use an Unloaded Chamber Indicator.

Hot Range (It's unsafe to go down range): Please communicate and verify the range is hot with all participants and make sure everyone is wearing eye & ear protection before handling firearms and firing. Always point firearms in a safe direction. Loaded firearms must always be pointed downrange at the berm.

WFGPA Shooting Sports

League Information
  • Black Powder
  • Bullseye Pistol
  • Five Stand Clays
  • High Power Rifle
  • Practical Pistol (IPSC, SCSA, ICORE)
  • Skeet
  • Smallbore Prone
  • Sporterifle
  • Trap

Click For Facilities Map